1. Every committee has at least one Board member represented.
2. Minimum number of committee members is 5, to be considered an active committee.
3. Maximum number of committees a UIU-LA member (or Board member) can be a part of is 2.
4. Each committee MUST meet as a group at least once every other month. This can be over the phone or in person.
5. Max number of Committee Leaders is 2.
6. Anyone can be a Committee Leader (first come, first serve).
7. You can opt-out of any committee at any time (except the Leaders), however you cannot opt back into a committee you opted out of in the same UIU-LA calendar year; year is from November through October.
8. You can opt-into any committee at any time.
9. Conference call-in number (712) 451-0979. DO NOT USE LINE ON 1ST SUNDAY, 3PM - 9PM.
10. Committee Leaders are expected to provide monthly updates during the General Body Meeting committee report-out section
11. Any committee member can be removed from a committee/committee role following a removal recommendation filed to the Board, and pending a subsequent Board review and potentially a majority vote by UIU-LA membership after deliberation with the said committee.